Sunday, December 30, 2007

Greetings, everyone!

We have jingled bells last week, and are now getting our Playtime gear to celebrate New Year's Eve.

It occurred to me that we may return to an older, more ritualistic form of marking the ending of one cycle (the old year) and the beginning of a new one.

I am borrowing here the notes for the Astrological Blog of Robert Wilkinson, www.aquariuspapers.com , "It's the Winter Solstice," 12.21.2006. http://www.aquariuspapers.com/astrology/2006/12/

Robert, whose writing shine a beam of light as he comments on the upheavals, storms, spirals and twists of the last few years, celebrates that ritual around the Solstice.
I find, however, that such ritual has power whenever we use it - as long as we apply it to mark and honor the ending time, when we have to let old and no longer useful items go; and the beginning time, when we open to allow the new and untried element to enter.

I trust that doing this ritual will facilitate the transition from old to new, from the familiar to the unknown, and from the outdated to the experimental.

Try it, and see what happens.

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Robert Wilkinson's Solstice Ritual

This is not a very elaborate ritual, but it's very powerful in its simplicity.

First, I make a list of everything I want to leave my life in the coming year. Then I either find a disposable object associated with each thing (or person, or personal habit) I want to see leave, or I draw a picture that represents those things, people, or habits. Then I burn each individual picture in a fire, one at a time, while saying goodbye to each of those.

I also make a list of things I want to see come into my life in the coming year. I try to make it realistic, but also allow my imagination to bring forth what might be or could be, even if improbable. After all, it's supposed to be fun! I play with possibilities, and write them down, without getting hung up on specific forms. This is about content more than form. Then I draw pictures symbolizing those things, and burn them, one by one, in a fire, welcoming those things to come.

Over the years I've done this ritual, I find very often that every single thing I want to leave actually does leave. And, I usually see most if not all that I want to appear show up in the following year. Even when one or both lists falls short by a thing or two, overall I've seen great progress year after year. Dec 21 2006


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May the year 2008 be a year of Bliss and Abundance for us all!

May it also bring Peace and Prosperity to the world !

Dinnah Pladott

Copyright © 2007 Dinnah G. Pladott, Ph.D., All Rights Preserved


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